- All submissions should be made in .docx & .pdf format.
- The Article should consist a minimum of 500 words.
- It should be written in the font style Times New Roman & size 12px.
- The topic of the article should be mentioned as the title of the document.
- It should not contain any sexist and racist remarks.
- The graphs and images, if any, should be numbered consecutively and should follow the text they refer to.
- The document and the accompanying media should be the intellectual property of the author himself.
Articles which fail to comply to these guidelines will not be entertained.
Submission Portal
Publication Process
- Once an article is submitted, it will be forwarded to the Review Committee.
- If the article is approved, the Review Committee will forward it to the Content Control Department.
- Content Control Department reserves the right to reject the article if it contains sexist or racist remarks.
- This process may take up to 2 working days, and the author will be notified about the status of the article through email.
- If the article is approved and the author is notified, it would be published within 2 working days.